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UrduTimes - Latest Urdu News 2.0.13
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What's New: 1. Awesome Design: We have made some very bold changesin design including brand new, app icon, left menu and Today’s NewsScreen. 2. Today: Check out today’s date in both English andIslamic calendar. Also know about local weather and today inhistory. 3. Videos: Watch trending and interesting videos withUrdutimes app. Upload your videos and share them with our awesomecommunity. 4. Your opinion matters: We have redesigned the way youshare your opinions on news and videos. Its more convenient andinteractive. 5. Answer to Win: Answer simple questions everyday andget a chance to win exciting prizes every month. 6. Events: Don’tmiss any event now. Check upcoming and past events in yourlocality. You can add your own events. 7. Other improvements andbug fixes. Thank you for your valuable feedback on our previousversions. Enjoy this latest version and don’t forget to tell us howdo you feel about it. Our email address is StayBlessed! About Urdutimes UrduTimes is World's leading Urdu Newspublishing platform and printed newspaper. UrduTimes is NorthAmerica's first Urdu newspaper which is published from severalplaces in the world including Washington D.C, Miami, Atlanta,Detroit, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal,Islamabad, London, Birmingham and Manchester. Latest News: Readlatest news and updates as soon as they happen including breakingnews alerts and updates. Local News: Read local news of your cityand country in Local News section and stay updated with the eventsand news near you. Pakistan News: Read news about Pakistan'scurrent affair, politics and national issues. Canada News: Readnews about Canada's national, political and social issues.International News: Read all news updates from all around theworld. Showbiz News: Read news about your favourite actors /actresses, Bollywood, Hollywood, Lollywood, TV, Drama, Films andother showbiz news in this section. Business News: All news relatedto business and industry are part of this section. Stay updatedwith government policies, fuel and gold price changes,international relations and other important news in this section.Sports News: Get the most out of Sports news with Urdutimes news.Stay updated with news about Cricket, Football, Soccer, Volleyball,Hockey, IPL, ICL, World Cup, Asia Cup, PSL etc. Health and Science:This section keeps you updated with the latest news and researchhappening in health and science world. Videos: Watch trendingvideos and share your own videos with lovely audience of Urdutimes.Classified: Promote your business with Urdutimes. Search for localbusiness conveniently. Features - Pull to refresh on news listingto fetch latest news. - Photo gallery to read interesting news. -Videos - Classified - Answer to Win - Beautiful Nastaleeq Urdu fontfor comfortable news reading experience. - Get breaking news alertsand read top stories as soon as they happen anywhere in the world.- Sign up with Urdutimes to participate in the discussion byposting comments and liking news. - Share news on Facebook andTwitter through social media integration of Urdutimes. - Bookmarknews to read them later. Please send us your valuable feedback If you like our app, please rate it and give us5 star review. We really appreciate your time and feedback on ourapp.
Be Healthy Magazine 1.0.1
Apptellect Inc.
Journal "Be healthy!" - publicationisdedicated to everything related to health issues and well-being-from the basics of physiology and the latest news of medicineandpharmacology, traditional Western methods and alternativeorientalpractices to the most fashionable and popular novelties offitness,healthy nutrition and diets.Being healthy, living healthy, taking a healthy lifestyle -thesetopics have become increasingly discussed in the past fewyears.Why? But because more and more people understand that healthis themost important factor affecting our life. All that mostpeople tendto appreciate, suddenly loses its appeal, at a time whenhealth isfailing. Poor health limits personal and professionalachievements,leaves an imprint on the life of the person and hisfamily.It's not about life expectancy - it's already high enough -butrather about its quality. There is a well-known story aboutDr.Bragg, the "father" of the modern method of curativestarvation,who died at the age of 95 after an accident whilesurfing. Somepeople say: "Well, he was perfectly well, but stilldead." I agree,but he died, surfing, and not in a hospital,bedridden for manyyears. To lead an active way of life, to explorethis world, tobring and receive joy from communication with lovedones, and notbe a "sick" relative. This is the quality of life. Howwonderful tobe a full-time mother, finding time to practice yogathree times aweek and dreaming of conquering the high-mountainMachu Picch inPeru. It's great to be a father who has just masteredkite surfingat the age of 50!Some will say: "That's all right, of course, but what if ...?"Whatif the years of unhealthy lifestyle or stress (or both)havealready led to illness or severe health problems? What if therearecertain genetic reasons? We will definitely talk about how tocopewith illnesses, how to help oneself to be as healthy aspossibleunder difficult conditions. We will share with youtheextraordinary stories of healing and fighting for the healthofpeople living with severe forms of diseases, such as diabetesandcancer.We will not give recipes for absolute health, because they donotexist, for every person and his organism is individual. Wewillgive you comprehensive information on how internal systemsfunctionand how to make them work correctly. Journal "Behealthy!"Undoubtedly help make your life healthy, joyful and changeit forthe better.Read, have fun and be healthy!
IL Marco Polo 1.0.1
Apptellect Inc.
The Marco Polo, over the years, and 'becamenotonly the "bearer instrument" of the birth of an importantstructureas the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver, but over theyears hasgained more and more' consensus acquiring the role ofindispensablemeans of support the rediscovery of the traditions ofItalian valuesabroad. The Marco Polo gives the main news of Italyand Canada, andprovides information of the institutions thatrepresent Italy andthe Italian spirit as: the Cultural Center, theItalian CulturalInstitute, the Consulate and of course all theregionalassociations. Today as yesterday, the Marco Polo and 'theeyewitnessof the history of a community' that can leave anindelible mark onthe West Canada and elsewhere in the world.Currently the Marco Polois widespread in Canada, the United Statesand Italy, with acirculation of about 5,000 copies a week.